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These tools, sites and programs can be useful for class projects and presentations.  They can be embedded in Canvas, too!

Digital Tools 

Voki allows you to create a talking avatar.

Prezi is a zooming presentation tool; like a PowerPoint, only more visually interesting.​

Padlet is like a virtual bulletin board; one person can edit it and make a poster, or several people can contribute ideas and content.

Piktochart helps you create infographics, or digital posters that give you visually interesting ways to present information.

Glogster is an interactive poster site.  You can embed links, videos, and other types of digital tools on your glog.

Animoto helps you create stylish and eye-catching slideshows/videos.

PowToon is a great way to make animated videos for presentations.

Blendspace allows you to create a digital collage, complete with videos, documents, pictures, text, and even quizzes.

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